2016 E-Government for Women Empowerment in Asia and Pacific
As governments transition towards e-government in Asia and the Pacific, there is growing acknowledgement of the role that e-government could play to harness ICTs for women’s empowerment and gender equality. However, much of e-government policy and implementation still do not take into account the differentiated access to, and impact of, technology for men and women. Recognizing the potential of e-government for women’s empowerment, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) undertook a project in 2014–2015 on “E-Government for Women’s Empowerment in the Asia Pacific”, in partnership with the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG). The project aims to enhance knowledge and awareness of good practices of gender-responsive policies, programmes and strategies in e-government, in order to help build the capacity of governments to harness this tool towards women’s empowerment.
An institutional analysis of e-government and women’s empowerment
The intrinsic link between e-government and good governance requires that any study of e-government and women’s empowerment examine both the technical dimensions of digitalized public administration and services, as well as the political goal of women’s empowerment and gender equality, through the lens of good governance. The study therefore posited that e-government can be considered gender-responsive if it meets the tenets of good governance, including promoting transparent, accountable and inclusive institutions and services, as well as its gender dimensions. The study addressed the following questions to look at how e-government norms, rules and practices impact institutional shifts towards gender equality and women’s empowerment:
Rapor: E-Government for Women Empowerment in Asia and Pacific
Tarih: 2016
2014 Governance for Sustainable Development (Discussion Paper)
Although the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) did not include a goal or targets on governance, the Millennium Declaration, adopted by the world's leaders in 2000, recognized the vital link between good governance, development and human rights. Based on over a decade of experience with development progress and challenges, there are now widely accepted arguments that governance should play a stronger role in the post-2015 development agenda: effective governance institutions and systems that are responsive to public needs deliver essential services and promote inclusive growth, while inclusive political processes ensure that citizens can hold public officials to account. In addition, good governance promotes freedom from violence, fear and crime, and peaceful and secure societies that provide the stability needed for development investments to be sustained. Women are crucial partners in all these processes.
Hence, governance enables the achievement of a range of critical development objectives. At the same time, as many surveys and much citizen action demonstrate, effective and accountable governance is also seen by many as an important end in itself.
Rapor: Governance for Sustainable Development (Discussion Paper)
Tarih: 2014
2012 Measuring Democracy and Democratic Governance in a Post-2015 Development framework (Discussion Paper)
Although the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) did not include a goal or targets on governance, the Millennium Declaration, adopted by the world's leaders in 2000, recognized the vital link between good governance, development and human rights. Based on over a decade of experience with development progress and challenges, there are now widely accepted arguments that governance should play a stronger role in the post-2015 development agenda: effective governance institutions and systems that are responsive to public needs deliver essential services and promote inclusive growth, while inclusive political processes ensure that citizens can hold public officials to account. In addition, good governance promotes freedom from violence, fear and crime, and peaceful and secure societies that provide the stability needed for development investments to be sustained. Women are crucial partners in all these processes.
Hence, governance enables the achievement of a range of critical development objectives. At the same time, as many surveys and much citizen action demonstrate, effective and accountable governance is also seen by many as an important end in itself.
Rapor: Measuring Democracy and Democratic Governance in a Post-2015 Development framework (Discussion Paper)
Tarih: 2012
2012 Framework for a Set of E-Government Core Indicators
Globally comparative e-government indicators can assist users to understand the status of e-government, both nationally and internationally. Consequent actions include better strategic management of e-government policies and development of programmes that contribute to economic and social development through access to government services online.
This Framework describes a set of globally comparative e-government core indicators, reflecting the emphasis on e-government by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the suggestion by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) that the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development should extend its core list of ICT indicators to include indicators on ICT use in government (UNSC, 2007). The indicators described in this report were endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 2012 meeting (UNSC, 2012).
The objective of the Framework is to support the efforts of countries in the collection of data for the e-government core indicators. Particular attention is paid to providing a measurement approach that is feasible for developing countries and supports their efforts to utilize e-government for the benefit of their society and economy. Elements of the Framework include defined core indicators and associated statistical standards (such as definitions, scope, statistical units, model survey questions and classifications). The Framework does not go into detail on statistical methodologies, such as data collection methods. A manual on collection of the data required to construct the e-government core indicators is expected to be produced in 2012. It will include methodological information on data collection.
Rapor: Framework for a Set of E-Government Core Indicators
Tarih: 2012
2010 e-Governance and Citizen Participation in West Africa
Although the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) did not include a goal or targets on governance, the Millennium Declaration, adopted by the world's leaders in 2000, recognized the vital link between good governance, development and human rights. Based on over a decade of experience with development progress and challenges, there are now widely accepted arguments that governance should play a stronger role in the post-2015 development agenda: effective governance institutions and systems that are responsive to public needs deliver essential services and promote inclusive growth, while inclusive political processes ensure that citizens can hold public officials to account. In addition, good governance promotes freedom from violence, fear and crime, and peaceful and secure societies that provide the stability needed for development investments to be sustained. Women are crucial partners in all these processes.
Hence, governance enables the achievement of a range of critical development objectives. At the same time, as many surveys and much citizen action demonstrate, effective and accountable governance is also seen by many as an important end in itself.
Rapor: e-Governance and Citizen Participation in West Africa
Tarih: 2010
UNESCO Ülkelerin Eğitim ve Okuryazarlık İstatistikleri (Çevrimiçi Web Sayfası)
Ülkeler tarafından periyodik olarak gönderilen ve başta Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından hazırlanan "e-Devlet Gelişmişlik Endeksi" oömak üzere farklı uluslararası ölçümleme raporlarında kullanılmak üzere kullanılan eğitim ve okuryazarlık verilerine (her ülke için detaylı olarak) bu sayfadan erişilebilir. Aşağıdaki "Sayfaya Git" tuşuna tıklayarak Türkiye için hazırlanmış olan sayfayı açabilirsiniz.
Rapor: UNESCO Ülkelerin Eğitim ve Okuryazarlık İstatistikleri
Tarih: Çevrimiçi Veri Web Sitesi