TÜSEV Sivil Toplum İzleme Raporu 2015-2016: Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı ve Türkiye Süreci - Vaka Analizi

Türk İdareciler Derneği - İdarecinin Sesi Dergisi, Ekim-Kasım-Aralık 2014, Sayı-163 : Akın AK: Türk Kamu Yönetiminde Açık Yönetim İlkesi ve Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı

Türk İdareciler Derneği - İdarecinin Sesi Dergisi, Mayıs-Haziran 2014, Sayı-161 : Lütfü Cihan GÜLMEZ, Volkan ÜNLÜEL: Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı ve Ülkemiz Eylem Planı

TÜBİTAK - Kamu Yönetiminde Gelişen Trendler: Açık Devlet Açık veri Paneli: 20 Mart 2013, Engin Küçet: Şeffaflık, Hesap Verilebilirlik ve Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı Türkiye Deneyimi


September 12, 2011

Turkey's OGP Commitment


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States of America and with reference to the latter’s Note No: 11-01663 dated 18 August 2011, regarding the invitation extended to Turkey to join the “Open Government Partnership (OGP)” which will be launched on 20 September 2011 in New York, has the honor to inform the Embassy that the Government of Turkey has decided to join the said initiative and intends to develop its action plan in due course.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the United States of America the assurances of its highest consideration.

Ankara, September  12, 2011

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OGP 2012-2013 Turkey's National Action Plan



The profound economic crisis that took place in the beginning of the 2000s had big repercussions in Turkey. It exacerbated discrepancies in national income distribution, and triggered the highest unemployment and poverty figures in the history of the country. Moreover, it greatly undermined the atmosphere of trust. Another theme which is indelible from our memories from these dire days has to do with corruption. (...)

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August 23, 2013

Turkey Prime Ministry Circular about OGP Initiative


Konu : Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı Girişimi

Ülkemizde son yıllarda uygulanmakta olan politikalar sayesinde; eğitim, sağlık, ulaşım, güvenlik, kalkınma, çevre, şehircilik ve yerelleşme başta olmak üzere hemen her alanda Önemli bir dönüşüm süreci yaşanmaktadır. Bu süreçte birçok yasal, kurumsal ve yapısal düzenleme hayata geçirilerek tüm vatandaşlarımızın bireysel hak ve özgürlüklerinin genişletilmesi, Ülkemizin demokrasi, insan hakları ve hukukun üstünlüğü standartlarının yükseltilmesi, kamu yönetiminde etkinliğin, saydamlığın, hesap verilebilirliğin ve katılımcılığın artırılması hususlarında önemli mesafeler kat edilmiştir.

Yukarıda belirtilen alanlardaki gelişmelerin ve siyasi kararlılığının bir göstergesi olarak, bugüne kadar yaklaşık 60 ülke tarafından benimsenen Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı adlı uluslararası girişime Ülkemiz de katılmıştır. Bu girişim kapsamında üye ülkeler; saydamlık ve hesap verilebilirliğin artırılması ile yolsuzlukla etkin bir biçimde mücadele edilmesi, vatandaşların ve sivil toplumun kamusal karar alma ve uygulama süreçlerine daha fazla katılımının sağlanması, açık ve etkin bir kamu yönetimi için teknolojik imkânların daha fazla kullanılması ve vatandaşların devlet karşısında daha güçlü konuma getirilmesi temel prensipleri ışığında ulusal eylem planlarını hazırlamış ve uygulamaya başlamışlardır. (...)

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October 31, 2013

2013 Open Government Partnership Summit

"Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı (OGP)" Zirvesi

İngiltere'nin başkenti Londra'da temaslarda bulunan Başbakan Yardımcısı Sayın Beşir Atalay, AA'nın sorularını yanıtladı. Londra'da yapılan ve 61 ülkeden temsilcilerin yer aldığı "Açık Yönetim Ortaklığı (OGP)" Zirvesine katılan Atalay toplantıda, devlet-vatandaş ilişkilerinde vatandaşa açıklık, devletlerin yönetimlerinin vatandaşla daha fazla irtibatı, hesap verebilirliği, vatandaşın kamuda olup bitenden daha fazla bilgi sahibi olması gibi konuların ele alındığını belirtti. (...)

February 12, 2014

OGP News: Three Cohort 2 Countries Will Not Receive IRM Reports

Three Cohort 2 Countries Will Not Receive IRM Reports

Lithuania, Malta, Turkey (WithDrawn) February 12, 2014

The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is in the process of publishing 35 progress reports on the group of countries that joined OGP at the Brasilia Summit in 2012 - known as Cohort 2. IRM progress reports are designed to assess implementation of National Action Plan commitments, provide feedback on public consultation and engagement with civil society, and make recommendations to improve the following National Action Plan.    

Three countries from this group will not be receiving an IRM progress report at this time: Lithuania, Malta and Turkey. The decision not to produce a report for these three countries was taken for a number of reasons. First, a considerable number of attempts were made during the report research period by both the Support Unit and the IRM team to make contact with a government representative without success. Second, no self-assessment report was submitted on the National Action Plan. Third, other independent attempts to verify activities related to the National Action Plan found little evidence that commitments were being implemented. The IRM therefore concluded there was not sufficient activity related to OGP to produce a report.   (...)

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April 30, 2014

OGP Letter

Official  Communication  from  the  Open  Government  Partnership  Support  Unit  

April 30,  2014  

We  welcome  Turkey’s  participation  in  the  Open  Government  Partnership,  which  now  has  64  countries  working  on  national  commitments  to  advance  transparency,  empower  citizens,  fight  corruption  and  utilize  technology  to  improve  governance.    

 As  you  are  aware  the  OGP’s  Independent   Reporting  Mechanism  publishes  regular  progress  reports  on  each  participating  country.  The  OGP  Articles  of  Governance  state:  

“Should  the  IRM  process  find  that  a  participating  government  repeatedly  (for  two  consecutive   action  plan  cycles)   acts   contrary  to  OGP   process   or   its   Action   Plan   commitments   (addenda  B  and  C),  and  fails  to  adequately  address  issues  raised  by  the  IRM,  the  SC  may  upon recommendation  of  the  Criteria  and  Standards  (C/S)  sub -­‐committee  review  the  participation  of  said  government  in  OGP . (...)”  

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November 26, 2014

OGP Letter

Official  Communication  from  the  Open  Government  Partnership  Support  Unit  

November 26,  2014  

We welcome Turkey’s participation in the Open Government Partnership, which now has 65 countries working to implement national commitments to promote greater transparency,  accountability,  and  engagement  of citizens  in  policy  making.  

As you are aware, the OGP Articles of Governance state that all participating countries are expected  to: Make concrete commitments, as part of a country action plan, that are ambitious and go beyond a country’s current practice. All OGP participating governments are expected to develop national action plans that specify concrete commitments over a two-­year period. Countries more than four  months  late in submitting their National Action Plan  NAP) will be considered acting contrary to the OGP process for that action plan cycle. The Government of Turkey has not submitted its second NAP as of  November  1,  2014, four months after the deadline of July 1,  2014.  

As you know, a letter from the Support Unit was also sent on April 30, 2014 to notify you that the IRM did not issue a progress report on Turkey due to inactivity during Turkey’s first action plan cycle. A copy of that letter is enclosed.  (...)

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April 20, 2015

OGP News: Statement by the Government of Turkey on their Participation in 0GP

Statement by the Government of Turkey on their Participation in 0GP

The Government of Turkey joined the Open Government Partnership in April 2012 and is one of 65 participating countries. Turkey’s participation has been under review by the OGP Criteria and Standards subcommittee after they were found acting in contrary to the OGP process for two consecutive action plan cycles due to inactivity. The Criteria and Standards subcommittee invited the Government of Turkey to participate in a meeting in Washington DC on March 9, 2015, to discuss steps to fully re-engage in OGP. The official point of contact in the Government of Turkey was unable to attend due to illness, however, in response to this review the Government of Turkey sent the following statement for public release:

We would like to start again the OGP process with full enthusiasm and make considerable progress to achieve our goals. We are fully aware of the difficulties and challenges of our task, but we also fully know that OGP would be a golden opportunity to move forward our current boundaries of open, accountable and responsive government. To this end, we are planning to invite prominent and related representatives of civil society, private sector, academics and think tank to the PM Office with the relevant public institutions.

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April 27, 2016

Turkey's Letter to OGP Steering Committee

April 27,  2016

To the Distinguished Members of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee and Support Unit

The Government of Turkey has enthusiastically joined the unique initiative of Open Government Partnership (OGP) in order to improve the quality of public services, to enable the participation of citizens and civil society in the policy-making process through OGP principles. However, due to four successive elections within only 21 months; undesirable effects of regional developments, namely the conflict in Syria and the crisis in Iraq , namely the refugee crisis and not the least the increased threat form DEASH and PKK/YPG terrorism, it could not be possible to move forward in this direction. Fortunately, after the establishment of the 64"‘Government in the aftermath of the November (2015) elections, Turkey reinforced its efforts for its development goals.

On behalf of the Turkish Government, I have the pleasure to inform you that from the beginning of the last quarter of 2015, Turkey took significant action for a more transparent, accountable and open government. During the G20 Summit held in Antalya on 15—16 November 2015, many deliverables were submitted to the Leaders by the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, whose Co-chairs were Turkey and the USA. On 10 December 2015, the Action Plan of the 64*“ Government, which was prepared with a distinctive reformist approach was announced to the public. On 23 April 2016, a new Anti-Corruption Action Plan was approved by the Ministerial Commission and will be published in the Official Gazette as the Prime Ministry's Circular in the coming days. (...)

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May 04, 2016

Resolution of the OGP Steering Committee

The OGP Steering Committee welcomes the high-level commitment of the government of Turkey to reengage with the Open Government Partnership, yet notes that the government of Turkey has acted contrary to OGP process for two consecutive action plan cycles. The OGP Steering Committee therefore resolves to provide the government of Turkey with an additional period of time to act upon its commitment and offers all necessary support to develop a new National Action Plan together with civil society. However, the government of Turkey will be automatically designated “inactive”* at the September Steering Committee meeting, barring satisfactory compliance of terms as outlined below.  (...)

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September 21, 2016

OGP News: Turkey made inactive in the Open Government Partnership

Turkey made inactive in the Open Government Partnership

New York City, September 21, 2016 - The Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership today resolved that Turkey will be regretfully designated as inactive in OGP, having failed to deliver a National Action Plan since 2014 . It is the first time that OGP has placed a country in inactive status for acting contrary to OGP process for two consecutive action plan cycles.

The decision follows a resolution approved unanimously by the OGP Steering Committee during their May 4, 2016 ministerial level meeting in Cape Town, South Africa. That resolution called for the government of Turkey to take steps to re-engage in OGP to avoid being automatically placed in inactive status. The requested steps included developing a National Action with broad civil society participation by September 1st, 2016.   (...)

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September 21, 2017

OGP Letter: Informing ending of Turkey's participation in OGP

On behalf of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee, I regretfully inform you that the Government of Turkey will no longer be considered an OGP participating country effective as of September 21, 2017. This follows the OGP Steering Committee’s decision on September 21, 2016 to place Turkey in inactive status for up to a year due to failure to deliver a National Action Plan since 2014. A copy of the resolution is enclosed for your reference.

In order to regain full participation status, the resolution requested the Government of Turkey to, within a year, publish a National Action Plan developed in consultation with citizens and civil society; or work with the Criteria and Standards subcommittee and the Support Unit to set a clear timeline to start a new National Action Plan cycle and re-engage with civil society for co-creating the new plan.  (...)

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September 18, 2019

2023 Sanayi ve Teknoloji Stratejisi

Veri İletişimi ve Açık Veri Reformu

  • Veriye dayalı karar verme, ürün ve hizmet geliştirme süreçlerinin güçlendirilmesi için ticaret, araştırma, meteoroloji, trafik verileri gibi piyasadaki oyuncular tarafından ticarileştirilebilecek verilerin toplanması, anlamlandırılması için açık veri reformu yapılacaktır. Toplanan veriler, üzerinde araştırma, teknoloji ve ürün geliştirme yapılması için “açık veri” haline getirilecek, bu yapılırken, içindeki kişisel, ticari sır niteliğinde ve kamu güvenliği açısından hassas verilerin korunması sağlanacaktır.
  • Kamu, özel sektör ve bireylere ait verilerin etik kurallar dikkate alınarak, anonim hale getirilmesi ve mümkün olan en geniş seviyede açık olarak paylaşılması konularında merkezi, tekil ve güvenilir veri altyapısının oluşturulması için çalışmalar başlatılmıştır.
  • Cumhurbaşkanlığı Dijital Dönüşüm Ofisi ile birlikte kamunun topladığı verilerden “Kamu Veri Havuzu” oluşturulacak ve kamuoyunun kullanımına açılacaktır.
  • Veri politikası paydaşlarla hazırlanarak sadece kamu verisinin değil açık tüm veri kaynaklarından verinin nasıl toplanacağı, saklanacağı ve kimler tarafından hangi amaçlar ve araçlarla kullanılacağı belirlenecektir.

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Son Güncelleme: 05.10.2019

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