Avrupa Birliği Raporları
Toplam: 528 Rapor
Son Güncelleme: 26 Kasım 2024
Toplam: 15
- 26.01.2024: Engineering Personal Data Protection in EU Data Spaces
- 31.01.2024: Cybersecurity Market Assessments
- 15.02.2024: Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SATCOM Cybersecurity Assessment
- 21.02.2024: Cyber Insurance - Models and methods and the use of AI
- 28.02.2024: Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management
- 12.03.2024: Remote ID Proofing - Good practices
- 14.03.2024: Telecom Security Incidents 2022
- 27.03.2024: Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024
- 04.04.2024: Cyber Resilience Act Requirements Standards Mapping
- 30.04.2024: Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024
- 29.05.2024: Cybersecurity Education Maturity Assessment
- 19.09.2024: ENISA Threat Landscape 2024
- 12.10.2024: Cryptographic Products and Services Market Analysis
- 19.11.2024: Public Consultation on Specifications for EUICC Certification under the EUCC scheme
- 21.11.2024: NIS Investments 2024
Toplam: 34
- 16.01.2023: Interoperable EU Risk Management Framework
- 27.01.2023: Engineering Personal Data Sharing
- 15.02.2023: Sustained Activity by Threat Actors- Joint Publication
- 16.02.2023: Developing National Vulnerabilities Programmes
- 20.02.2023: ENISA Single Programming Document 2023-2025
- 21.02.2023: Interoperable EU Risk Management Toolbox
- 23.02.2023: Demand Side of Cyber Insurance in the EU
- 28.02.2023: Building Effective Governance Frameworks for the Implementation of National Cybersecurity Strategies
- 28.02.2023: A Governance Framework for National Cybersecurity Strategies
- 09.03.2023: Embedded Sim Ecosystem, Security Risks and Measures
- 09.03.2023: Fog and Edge Computing in 5G
- 14.03.2023: Cybersecurity of AI and Standardisation
- 21.03.2023: ENISA Transport Threat Landscape
- 22.03.2023: ENISA Single Programming Document 2023-2025 Condensed
- 27.03.2023: ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework (ECSMAF) -V2.0
- 28.03.2023: Cloud Cybersecurity Market Analysis
- 29.03.2023: ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030
- 10.03.2023: European Cybersecurity Month 2022 Campaign Report
- 25.05.2023: DNS Identity
- 25.05.2023: 5G Security Controls Matrix (Excel Spreadsheet)
- 07.06.2023: Cybersecurity and privacy in AI - Forecasting demand on electricity grids
- 07.06.2023: Multilayer Framework for Good Cybersecurity Practices for AI
- 07.06.2023: Cybersecurity and privacy in AI - Medical imaging diagnosis
- 07.06.2023: Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Research
- 12.06.2023: Trust Services-Secure move to the cloud of the eIDAS ecosystem
- 13.06.2023: Good Practices for Supply Chain Cybersecurity
- 03.07.2023: Digital Identity Standards
- 05.07.2023: Health Threat Landscape
- 04.09.2023: Undersea cables
- 13.09.2023: Foresight 2030 Threats
- 19.10.2023: ENISA Threat Landscape 2023
- 16.11.2023: NIS Investments Report 2023
- 30.11.2023: Trust Services Security Incidents 2023
- 06.12.2023: ENISA Threat Landscape for DoS Attacks
Toplam: 36
- 13.01.2022: Interoperable EU Risk Management Framework
- 13.01.2022: Compendium of Risk Management Frameworks with Potential Interoperability
- 20.01.2022: Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks & Countermeasures
- 20.01.2022: Digital Identity: Leveraging the SSI Concept to Build Trust
- 27.01.2022: Data Protection Engineering
- 10.02.2022: Security and Privacy for public DNS Resolvers
- 14.02.2022: Boosting your Organisation's Cyber Resilience - Joint Publication
- 23.02.2022: ENISA CSIRT Maturity Framework - Updated and improved
- 24.02.2022: NFV Security in 5G - Challenges and Best Practices
- 28.02.2022: Zoning and Conduits for Railways
- 08.03.2022: Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRTs and LE - Handbook 2021
- 08.03.2022: Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRTs and LE - Toolset 2021
- 08.03.2022: 2021 Report on CSIRT-Law Enforcement Cooperation
- 10.03.2022: Cyber Threats Outreach In Telecom
- 10.03.2022: Cyber Threats Outreach In Telecom - Leaflet
- 16.03.2022: Risk Management Standards
- 16.03.2022: 5G Cybersecurity Standards
- 24.03.2022: Deploying Pseudonymisation Techniques
- 28.03.2022: European Cybersecurity Month 2021 - Deployment report
- 06.04.2022: Cross-Sector Exercise Requirements
- 08.04.2022: EU Cybersecurity Market Analysis - IoT in Distribution Grid
- 08.04.2022: ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework (ECSMAF)
- 13.04.2022: Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policies in the EU
- 12.05.2022: Research and Innovation Brief - Annual Report on Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Needs and Priorities
- 06.07.2022: ENISA Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Methodology
- 27.07.2022: Telecom Security Incidents 2021
- 27.07.2022: Trust Services Security Incidents 2021
- 29.07.2022: ENISA Threat Landscape for Ransomware Attacks
- 19.09.2022: European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) - User Manual
- 19.09.2022: European Cybersecurity Skills Framework Role Profiles
- 18.10.2022: Post-Quantum Cryptography - Integration study
- 03.11.2022: ENISA Threat Landscape 2022
- 23.11.2022: NIS Investments 2022
- 08.12.2022: Foreign Information Manipulation Interference (FIMI) and Cybersecurity - Threat Landscape
- 13.12.2022: Cyber Europe 2022: After Action Report
- 20.12.2022: Cybersecurity Education Initiatives in the EU Member States
Toplam: 47
- 18.01.2021: Cloud Security for Healthcare Services
- 26.01.2021: 2020 Report on CSIRT-LE Cooperation: study of roles and synergies among selected countries
- 28.01.2021: Data Pseudonymisation: Advanced Techniques and Use Cases
- 08.02.2021: TeleTrusT - Guideline "State of the Art" Technical & Organizational Measures
- 09.02.2021: Post-Quantum Cryptography: Current state and quantum mitigation
- 09.02.2021: Crypto Assets: Introduction to Digital Currencies and Distributed Ledger Technologies
- 11.02.2021: Cybersecurity Challenges in the Uptake of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Driving
- 24.02.2021: Security in 5G Specifications - Controls in 3GPP
- 05.03.2021: EU Cybersecurity Initiatives in the Finance Sector
- 11.03.2021: Recommendations for Qualified Trust Service Providers based on Standards
- 11.03.2021: Remote ID Proofing
- 11.03.2021: Conformity Assessment of Qualified Trust Service Providers
- 11.03.2021: Security Framework for Trust Service Providers
- 11.03.2021: Security Framework for Qualified Trust Service Providers
- 17.03.2021: Technical Guideline on Incident Reporting under the EECC
- 19.03.2021: Situational Report on Microsoft Exchange Vulnerabilities
- 22.03.2021: Technical Guideline on Incident Reporting under the EECC
- 29.03.2021: ECSM Deployment Report - 2020
- 09.04.2021: Cybersecurity Certification Market Study
- 12.05.2021: ECSC 2020 Analysis Report
- 15.04.2021: European Cybersecurity Month 2020 - Deployment Report
- 23.04.2021: Cybersecurity Research Directions for the EU’s Digital Strategic Autonomy
- 03.05.2021: Post-Quantum Cryptography: Current state and quantum mitigation
- 05.05.2021: Recommendations for the security of CAM
- 10.05.2021: CTF Events
- 25.05.2021: Cybersecurity Certification: Candidate EUCC Scheme V1.1.1
- 26.05.2021: Public Consultation on the draft Candidate EUCC Scheme
- 03.06.2021: PSIRT Expertise and Capabilities Development
- 28.65.2021: Cybersecurity for SMEs - Challenges and Recommendations
- 28.05.2021: Cybersecurity guide for SMEs - 12 steps to securing your business
- 07.07.2021: 5G Supplement - to the Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC
- 07.07.2021: Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC
- 13.07.2021: Assessment of EU Telecom Security Legislation
- 26.07.2021: Trust Services Security Incidents 2020 - Annual Report
- 26.07.2021: Telecom Security Incidents 2020 - Annual Report
- 29.07.2021: Threat Landscape for Supply Chain Attacks
- 13.09.2021: Methodology for a Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessment
- 27.10.2021: ENISA Threat Landscape 2021
- 11.11.2021: CSIRT Capabilities in Healthcare Sector
- 17.11.2021: NIS Investments Report 2021
- 22.11.2021: Foresight Challenges
- 24.11.2021: Addressing Skills Shortage and Gap Through Higher Education
- 25.11.2021: Railway Cybersecurity - Good Practices in Cyber Risk Management
- 29.11.2021: Raising Awareness of Cybersecurity
- 06.12.2021: How to Avoid SIM-Swapping - Leaflet
- 06.12.2021: Countering SIM-Swapping
- 14.12.2021: Securing Machine Learning Algorithms
Toplam: 57
- 10.01.2020: Security Supervision under the EECC
- 10.01.2020: Good practices in innovation on cybersecurity under the NCSS
- 19.01.2020: ECSM Deployment Report 2019
- 20.01.2020: ECSC 2019 Analysis Report
- 04.02.2020: Standardisation in support of the Cybersecurity Certification
- 24.02.2020: Procurement Guidelines for Cybersecurity in Hospitals
- 15.03.2020: eIDAS compliant eID Solutions
- 26.03.2020: Cybersecurity Skills Development in the EU
- 02.04.2020: Roadmap on the cooperation between CSIRTS and LE
- 15.04.2020: Advancing Software Security in the EU
- 23.04.2020: Encrypted Traffic Analysis
- 07.05.2020: An overview on enhancing technical cooperation between CSIRTs and LE
- 12.05.2020: Power Sector Dependency on Time Service: attacks against time sensitive services
- 26.05.2020: Proactive detection – Survey results
- 26.05.2020: Proactive detection - Good practices gap analysis recommendations
- 26.05.2020: Proactive detection – Measures and information sources
- 02.06.2020: Cybersecurity Certification: EUCC Candidate Scheme
- 10.06.2020: Trust Services Security Incidents 2019 Annual Analysis Report
- 17.06.2020: ENISA Strategy - A Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe
- 23.06.2020: Telecom Services Security Incidents 2019 Annual Analysis Report
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Cyber espionage
- 20.10.2020 ENISA Threat Landscape - The year in review
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape - Emerging trends
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Physical manipulation/ damage/ theft/ loss
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Cyber threat intelligence overview
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Spam
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Malware
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Data Breach
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Insider threat
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Botnet
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Research topics
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Cryptojacking
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Ransomware
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Information Leakage
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Distributed denial of service
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Phishing
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Main Incidents
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - List of top 15 threats
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Sectoral/thematic threat analysis
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Insider Threat
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Identity Theft
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Web-based attacks
- 20.10.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Web application attacks
- 09.11.2020: Guidelines for Securing the Internet of Things
- 13.11.2020: Railway Cybersecurity
- 20.11.2020: Cybersecurity Stocktaking in the CAM
- 26.11.2020: Telecom Security During a Pandemic
- 07.12.2020: National Capabilities Assessment Framework
- 10.12.2020: How to set up CSIRT and SOC
- 10.12.2020: Sectoral CSIRT Capabilities - Energy and Air Transport
- 10.12.2020: 5G Supplement - to the Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC
- 10.12.2020: Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC
- 11.12.2020: NIS Investments Report
- 14.12.2020: ENISA Threat Landscape for 5G Networks Report
- 15.12.2020: Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges
- 17.12.2020: Guidelines - Cyber Risk Management for Ports
- 22.12.2020: EUCS – Cloud Services Scheme
Toplam: 37
- 09.01.2019: Cooperation between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement: interaction with the Judiciary
- 14.01.2019: State of Vulnerabilities 2018/2019 - Analysis of Events in the life of Vulnerabilities
- 15.01.2019: Towards global acceptance of eIDAS audits
- 17.01.2019: IoT Security Standards Gap Analysis
- 24.01.2019: Good practices on the implementation of regulatory technical standards
- 28.01.2019: Reinforcing trust and security in the area of electronic communications and online services
- 28.01.2019: Recommendations on shaping technology according to GDPR provisions - Exploring the notion of data protection by default
- 28.01.2019: Recommendations on shaping technology according to GDPR provisions - An overview on data pseudonymisation
- 28.01.2019: ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2018
- 31.01.2019: ICT security certification opportunities in the healthcare sector
- 31.01.2019: ENISA’s PETs Maturity Assessment Repository
- 06.02.2019: Study on CSIRT landscape and IR capabilities in Europe 2025
- 07.02.2019: TeleTrusT - Guideline "State of the Art" Technical & Organizational Measures
- 14.03.2019: Towards a framework for policy development in cybersecurity - Security and privacy considerations in autonomous agents
- 15.03.2019: Guidance and gaps analysis for European standardisation
- 09.04.2019: ENISA Maturity Evaluation Methodology for CSIRTs
- 16.04.2019: Cybersecurity Culture Guidelines: 'Technical Annex: Evidence Reviews'
- 16.04.2019: Cybersecurity Culture Guidelines: Behavioural Aspects of Cybersecurity
- 30.04.2019: ENISA CSIRT maturity assessment model
- 15.05.2019: Challenges and opportunities for EU cybersecurity start-ups
- 17.05.2019: 7 Steps to shore up the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
- 20.05.2019: Industry 4.0 - Cybersecurity Challenges and Recommendations
- 05.06.2019: Annual Report Telecom Security Incidents 2018
- 15.06.2019: Trust Services Security Incidents 2018 - Annual report
- 25.06.2019: Bolstering ENISA in the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework
- 04.09.2019: Secure Group Communications for incident response and operational communities
- 15.11.2019: Assessment of ETSI TS 119 403-3 related to eIDAS
- 15.11.2019: Stock taking of security requirements set by different legal frameworks on OES and DSPs
- 19.11.2019: Good Practices for Security of IoT - Secure Software Development Lifecycle
- 19.11.2019: Good practices in innovation on Cybersecurity under the NCSS
- 21.11.2019: ENISA threat landscape for 5G Networks
- 25.11.2019: ENISA good practices for security of Smart Cars
- 26.11.2019: Port Cybersecurity - Good practices for cybersecurity in the maritime sector
- 27.11.2019: EU Member States incident response development status report
- 03.12.2019: Pseudonymisation techniques and best practices
- 17.12.2019: Recommendations for technical implementation of the eIDAS Regulation
- 18.12.2019: Overview of standards related to eIDAS
Toplam: 34
- 08.01.2018: The European Cyber Security Challenge: Lessons Learned report
- 08.01.2018: QWACs Plugin
- 09.01.2018: Annual Privacy Forum 2017
- 14.01.2018: Priorities for EU research
- 15.01.2018: ENISA Article 14 Requests
- 15.01.2018: ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2017
- 15.01.2018: Maturity Reference for CSIRTs – Executive Summary
- 15.01.2018: eIDAS: Overview on the implementation and uptake of Trust Services
- 18.01.2018: Online Tracking and User Protection Mechanisms
- 18.01.2018: Mapping of OES Security Requirements to Specific Sectors
- 18.01.2018: Overview of the practices of ICT Certification Laboratories in Europe
- 26.01.2018: Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy
- 29.01.2018: Handbook on Security of Personal Data Processing
- 29.01.2018: Privacy and data protection in mobile applications
- 31.01.2018: Looking into the crystal ball: A report on emerging technologies and security challenges
- 01.02.2018: Improving recognition of ICT security standards
- 06.02.2018: Cyber Security Culture in organisations
- 06.02.2018: European Cyber Security Month 2017
- 14.02.2018: Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Cooperative models
- 14.02.2018: Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISACs) - Cooperative models
- 07.03.2018:A tool on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) knowledge management and maturity assessment
- 26.03.2018: Exploring the opportunities and limitations of current Threat Intelligence Platforms
- 28.03.2018: Signalling Security in Telecom SS7/Diameter/5G
- 30.07.2018: Annual report Telecom security incidents 2017
- 17.09.2018: Towards secure convergence of Cloud and IoT
- 08.10.2018: Annual Report Trust Services Security Incidents 2017
- 19.11.2018: Good Practices for Security of Internet of Things in the context of Smart Manufacturing
- 28.11.2018: Guidelines on assessing DSP security and OES compliance with the NISD security requirements
- 30.11.2018: Good practices on interdependencies between OES and DSPs
- 12.12.2018: Guideline on assessing security measures in the context of Article 3(3) of the Open Internet regulation
- 14.12.2018: Economics of Vulnerability Disclosure
- 14.12.2018: Assessment of Standards related to eIDAS
- 19.12.2018: Analysis of the European R&D priorities in cybersecurity
- 20.12.2018: Cyber Europe 2018 - After Action Report
Toplam: 44
- 13.01.2017: Cyber Security and Resilience of smart cars
- 18.01.2017: Distributed Ledger Technology & Cybersecurity - Improving information security in the financial sector
- 21.01.2017: Indispensable baseline security requirements for the procurement of secure ICT products and services
- 27.01.2017: Guidelines for SMEs on the security of personal data processing
- 30.01.2017: A good practice guide of using taxonomies in incident prevention and detection
- 01.02.2017: Communication network dependencies for ICS/SCADA Systems
- 03.02.2017: Report on Cyber Security Information Sharing in the Energy Sector
- 06.02.2017: Challenges of security certification in emerging ICT environments
- 07.02.2017: Privacy and Security in Personal Data Clouds
- 07.02.2017: European Cyber Security Month 2016 - Deployment report
- 07.02.2017: Cyber Hygiene
- 08.02.2017: ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2016
- 08.02.2017: Hardware Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide
- 08.02.2017: Ad-hoc & sensor networking for M2M Communications - Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide
- 10.02.2017: Smartphone Secure Development Guidelines
- 10.02.2017: Security aspects of virtualization
- 16.02.2017: Technical Guidelines for the implementation of minimum security measures for Digital Service Providers
- 27.02.2017: Incident notification for DSPs in the context of the NIS Directive
- 01.03.2017: Article 19 Incident reporting
- 09.03.2017: Annual Privacy Forum 2016
- 09.03.2017: Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Evolution and State of the Art
- 15.03.2017: Gaps in NIS standardisation - Recommendations for improving NIS in EU standardisation policy
- 08.05.2017: Recommendations on aligning research programme with policy
- 16.06.2017: Annual Incident Reports 2016
- 29.06.2017: Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic registered delivery services
- 29.06.2017: Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified website authentication certificates
- 29.06.2017: Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic time stamps
- 29.06.2017: Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic signatures
- 29.06.2017: Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic seals
- 30.06.2017: Cyber Europe 2016: After Action Report
- 19.09.2017: Considerations on ICT security certification in EU - Survey Report
- 15.11.2017: Commonality of risk assessment language in cyber insurance
- 20.11.2017: Baseline Security Recommendations for IoT
- 27.11.2017: Recommendations on European Data Protection Certification
- 29.11.2017: Annual Incident Analysis Report for the Trust Service Providers
- 07.12.2017: Stock taking of information security training needs in critical sectors
- 15.12.2017: Tools and Methodologies to Support Cooperation between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement
- 15.12.2017: Improving Cooperation between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement: Legal and Organisational Aspects
- 19.12.2017:Security framework for Trust Service Providers - Technical guidelines on trust services
- 19.12.2017: Conformity assessment of Trust Service Providers - Technical guidelines on trust services
- 19.12.2017: Guidelines on Termination of Qualified Trust Services
- 19.12.2017: Guidelines on Initiation of Qualified Trust Services - Technical guidelines on trust services
- 19.12.2017: Guidelines on Supervision of Qualified Trust Services - Technical guidelines on trust services
- 19.12.2017: Recommendations for QTSPs based on Standards - Technical guidelines on trust services
Toplam: 32
- 11.01.2016: CSIRT Capabilities. How to assess maturity? Guidelines for national and governmental CSIRTs
- 12.01.2016: Cyber Security and Resilience of Intelligent Public Transport. Good practices and recommendations
- 12.01.2016: Architecture model of the transport sector in Smart Cities
- 18.01.2016: Good Practice Guide on Vulnerability Disclosure. From challenges to recommendations
- 21.01.2016: Stocktaking, Analysis and Recommendations on the protection of CIIs
- 26.01.2016: Information sharing and common taxonomies between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement
- 27.01.2016: ENISA Threat Landscape 2015
- 27.01.2016: Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide for Software Defined Networks/5G
- 27.01.2016: Big Data Threat Landscape
- 29.01.2016: Communication network interdependencies in smart grids
- 09.02.2016: Analysis of security measures deployed by e-communication providers
- 26.02.2016: NIS Directive and national CSIRTs
- 08.03.2016: Big Data Security
- 09.03.2016: Security incidents indicators - measuring the impact of incidents affecting electronic communications
- 31.03.2016: Readiness Analysis for the Adoption and Evolution of Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- 04.04.2016: Common practices of EU-level crisis management and applicability to the cyber crises
- 16.05.2016: Qualified Website Authentication Certificates
- 01.06.2016: Exploring Cloud Incidents
- 17.06.2016: Information security and privacy standards for SMEs
- 01.07.2016: Definition of Cybersecurity - Gaps and overlaps in standardisation
- 01.07.2016: Governance framework for European standardisation
- 01.07.2016: Analysis of standards related to Trust Service Providers - Mapping of requirements of eIDAS to existing standards
- 05.08.2016: The cost of incidents affecting CIIs
- 25.08.2016: Strategies for incident response and cyber crisis cooperation
- 05.10.2016: Annual Incident Reports 2015
- 07.11.2016: Cyber Insurance: Recent Advances, Good Practices and Challenges
- 14.11.2016: NCSS Good Practice Guide
- 24.11.2016: Cyber security and resilience for Smart Hospitals
- 16.12.2016: Securing Smart Airports
- 19.12.2016: Security of Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets
- 20.12.2016: Towards a Digital Single Market for NIS Products and Services
- 20.12.2016: PETs controls matrix - A systematic approach for assessing online and mobile privacy tools
Toplam: 34
- 12.01.2015: Privacy and Data Protection by Design
- 15.01.2015: Threat Landscape of Internet Infrastructure
- 12.01.2015: Network and Information Security in the Finance Sector
- 19.01.2015: Actionable information for security incident response
- 19.01.2015: Standards and tools for exchange and processing of actionable information
- 27.01.2015: ENISA Threat Landscape 2014
- 09.02.2015: Threat Landscape for Smart Home and Media Convergence
- 10.02.2015: European Cyber Security Month - Deployment report
- 19.02.2015: Certification of Cyber Security skills of ICS/SCADA professionals
- 23.02.2015: Methodologies for the identification of Critical Information Infrastructure assets and services
- 26.02.2015: Security Framework for Governmental Clouds
- 20.03.2015: National/governmental CERTs - ENISA's recommendations on baseline capabilities
- 24.03.2015: Standardisation in the field of Electronic Identities and Trust Service Providers
- 25.03.2015: Electronic evidence - a basic guide for First Responders
- 02.04.2015: Auditing Framework for TSPs
- 09.04.2015: Guideline on Security measures for Article 4 and Article 13a
- 10.04.2015: Cloud Security Guide for SMEs
- 15.04.2015: EP3R 2009-2013 Future of NIS Public Private Cooperation
- 11.09.2015: Supply Chain Integrity: An overview of the ICT supply chain risks and challenges, and vision for the way forward (2015)
- 14.09.2015: Annual Incident Reports 2014
- 14.09.2015: Technical Guideline on Threats and Assets
- 23.09.2015: ENISA Cyber Europe 2014 - After Action Report
- 19.10.2015: Status of privacy and NIS course curricula in EU Member States
- 12.11.2015: ENISA’s CSIRT-related capacity building activities
- 01.12.2015: Security and Resilience of Smart Home Environments
- 03.12.2015: Technical guideline for Incident Reporting
- 07.12.2015: Secure Use of Cloud Computing in the Finance Sector
- 11.12.2015: Analysis of ICS-SCADA Cyber Security Maturity Levels in Critical Sectors
- 14.12.2015: European Cyber Security Month 2015 - Deployment Report
- 14.12.2015: Latest Report on National and International Cyber Security Exercises
- 16.12.2015:cCyber Security Information Sharing: An Overview of Regulatory and Non-regulatory Approaches
- 17.12.2015: Privacy by design in big data
- 17.12.2015: Online privacy tools for the general public
- 18.12.2015: Security and Resilience in eHealth Infrastructures and Services
Toplam: 22
- 29.01.2014: Flash note: Risks of using discontinued software
- 15.02.2014: Brokerage model for Network and Information Security in Education
- 24.02.2014: Flash Note: Large scale UDP attacks - the 2014 trend and how to face it
- 14.04.2014: Flash Note: Heartbleed - A wake-up call
- 16.09.2014: Annual Incident Reports 2013
- 29.09.2014: Flash Note: The BASH Shellshock Bug
- 06.10.2014: Public Private Partnerships in Network and Information Security Education
- 24.10.2014: Technical Guideline on Incident Reporting
- 24.10.2014: Technical Guideline on Minimum Security Measures
- 31.10.2014: Roadmap for NIS education programmes in Europe
- 06.11.2014: Report on Cyber Crisis Cooperation and Management
- 12.11.2014: Good Practice Guide on Training Methodologies
- 19.11.2014: Cybersecurity competitions — the status in Europe
- 21.11.2014: Algorithms, key size and parameters report 2014
- 21.11.2014: Study on cryptographic protocols
- 27.11.2014: An evaluation framework for Cyber Security Strategies
- 27.11.2014: Scalable and Accepted Methods for Trust Building
- 01.12.2014: Impact Analysis and Roadmap
- 11.12.2014: Secure ICT Procurement in Electronic Communications
- 11.12.2014: Security Guide for ICT Procurement
- 17.12.2014: Protection of Underground Electronic Communications Infrastructure
- 19.12.2014: Smart Grid Security Certification in Europe
Toplam: 44
- 08.01.2013: ENISA Threat Landscape 2012
- 14.02.2013: Critical Cloud Computing-A CIIP perspective on cloud computing services
- 13.03.2013: Flash note: Cyber-attacks – a new edge for old weapons
- 12.04.2013: Flash Note: Can Recent Attacks Really Threaten Internet Availability?
- 20.08.2013: Annual Incident Reports 2012
- 19.09.2013: ENISA Threat Landscape mid year 2013
- 03.10.2013: Schemes for auditing security measures
- 09.10.2013: Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
- 18.10.2013: Cybersecurity cooperation - Defending the digital frontline
- 24.10.2013: Report on Second International Conference on Cyber-crisis Cooperation and Exercises
- 29.10.2013: Algorithms, Key Sizes and Parameters Report - 2013
- 04.11.2013: Recommended cryptographic measures - Securing personal data
- 15.11.2013: Good Practice Guide for securely deploying Governmental Clouds
- 18.11.2013: 8th ENISA Workshop ‘CERTs in Europe’ report
- 19.11.2013: National-level Risk Assessments: An Analysis Report
- 20.11.2013: Detect, SHARE, Protect - Solutions for Improving Threat Data Exchange among CERTs
- 21.11.2013: Security certification practice in the EU - Information Security Management Systems - A case study
- 21.11.2013: Alerts-Warnings-Announcements
- 27.11.2013: National Roaming for Resilience
- 28.11.2013: A Good Practice Collection for CERTs on the Directive on attacks against information systems
- 04.12.2013: Good practice guide for CERTs in the area of Industrial Control Systems - Computer Emergency Response Capabilities considerations for ICS
- 06.12.2013: Window of exposure… a real problem for SCADA systems?
- 09.12.2013: EISAS Deployment feasibility study
- 09.12.2013: Incident Reporting for Cloud Computing
- 10.12.2013: Securing personal data in the context of data retention
- 10.12.2013: Good Practices for an EU ICS Testing Coordination Capability
- 11.12.2013: ENISA Threat Landscape 2013 - Overview of current and emerging cyber-threats
- 12.12.2013: CERT community - Recognition mechanisms and schemes
- 13.12.2013: Trusted e-ID infrastructures and services in EU
- 13.12.2013: Trusted e-ID Infrastructures and services in the EU - Recommendations for Trusted Provision of e-Government services
- 16.12.2013: Roadmap for European Cyber Security Month
- 16.12.2013: Power Supply Dependencies in the Electronic Communications Sector
- 16.12.2013: Mutual Aid for Resilient Infrastructure in Europe (M.A.R.I.E.) - Phase II: Recommendations Report
- 16.12.2013: On the security, privacy and usability of online seals
- 17.12.2013: Smart Grid Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide
- 20.12.2013: Proposal for One Security Framework for Articles 4 and 13a
- 20.12.2013: EP3R 2013 – Task Forces on Terminology Definitions and Categorisation of Assets (TF-TDCA)
- 20.12.2013: Position Paper of the EP3R Task Forces on Incident Management and Mutual Aid Strategies (TF-MASIM)
- 20.12.2013: Position Paper of the EP3R Task Forces on Trusted Information Sharing (TF-TIS)
- 20.12.2013: eID Authentication methods in e-Finance and e-Payment services - Current practices and Recommendations
- 20.12.2013: Recommendations for a methodology of the assessment of severity of personal data breaches
- 20.12.2013: Guidelines for trust service providers - Part 1: Security framework
- 20.12.2013: Guidelines for trust service providers - Part 2: Risk assessment
- 20.12.2013: Guidelines for trust service providers - Part 3: Mitigating the impact of security incidents
Toplam: 38
- 16.01.2012: NIS in Education
- 22.02.2012: Study on data collection and storage in the EU
- 28.02.2012: Cooperation between CERTs and Law Enforcement Agencies in the fight against cybercrime - A first collection of practices
- 28.02.2012: Study on monetising privacy. An economic model for pricing personal information
- 02.04.2012: Procure Secure: A guide to monitoring of security service levels in cloud contracts
- 04.05.2012: Recommendations for technical implementation of Art.4
- 08.05.2012: National Cyber Security Strategies
- 08.06.2012: Flash note: The threat from flamer
- 21.06.2012: ENISA Report on Resilient Internet Interconnections
- 28.06.2012: Incentives and barriers of the cyber insurance market in Europe
- 10.07.2012: ENISA Smart Grid Security Recommendations
- 30.07.2012: Flash Note: Password security-a joint effort between end-users and service providers
- 27.08.2012: Cyber Incident Reporting in the EU
- 11.10.2012: Annual Incident Report 2011
- 13.10.2012: EISAS - Enhanced Roadmap 2012
- 18.10.2012: Consumerization of IT: Top Risks and Opportunities
- 25.10.2012: National and International Cyber Security Exercises: Survey, Analysis & Recommendations
- 14.11.2012: Privacy considerations of online behavioural tracking
- 20.11.2012: The right to be forgotten - between expectations and practice
- 22.11.2012: Proactive detection of security incidents II - Honeypots
- 28.11.2012: Good Practice Guide for Addressing Network and Information Security Aspects of Cybercrime
- 30.11.2012: Involving Intermediaries in Cyber-security Awareness Raising
- 05.12.2012: EU Cyber Cooperation-The Digital Frontline
- 07.12.2012: Roadmap to provide more proactive and efficient CERT training
- 10.12.2012: Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education
- 12.12.2012: Introduction to Return on Security Investment
- 12.12.2012: Report on Annual Privacy Forum 2012
- 12.12.2012: Report on 7th ENISA CERT Workshop
- 13.12.2012: EISAS Large-Scale Pilot - Collaborative Awareness Raising for EU Citizens & SMEs
- 17.12.2012: Be Aware, Be Secure. Synthesis of the results of the first European Cyber Security Month
- 17.12.2012: Deployment of Baseline Capabilities of n/g CERTs - Status Report 2012
- 17.12.2012: Baseline Capabilities of n/g CERTs - Updated Recommendations 2012
- 19.12.2012: Consumerization of IT: Final report on Risk Mitigation Strategies and Good Practices
- 19.12.2012: Emergency Communications Stocktaking
- 19.12.2012: Implementation of article 15
- 19.12.2012: Appropriate security measures for smart grids
- 19.12.2012: National Cyber Security Strategies: An Implementation Guide
- 19.12.2012: Cyber Europe 2012 - Key Findings Report
Toplam: 49
- 13.01.2011: Data breach notifications in the EU
- 17.01.2011: Security and Resilience in Governmental Clouds
- 24.01.2011: Enabling and managing end-to-end resilience
- 31.01.2011: Survey of accountability, trust, consent, tracking, security and privacy mechanisms in online environments
- 01.02.2011: Resilience Metrics and Measurements: Challenges and Recommendations
- 01.02.2011: Resilience Metrics and Measurements: Technical Report
- 02.02.2011:Bittersweet cookies. Some security and privacy considerations
- 16.02.2011: EISAS Roadmap
- 18.02.2011: Privacy, Accountability and Trust – Challenges and Opportunities
- 28.02.2011: Who is Who-Directory 2011
- 07.03.2011: Botnets: 10 Tough Questions
- 07.03.2011: Botnets: Measurement, Detection, Disinfection and Defence
- 08.03.2011: CSIRT Setting up Guide in Chinese
- 08.03.2011: CSIRT Setting up Guide in Hindi
- 08.03.2011: Mapping security services to authentication levels
- 11.04.2011: Resilience of the Internet Interconnection Ecosystem
- 15.04.2011: Policy statement
- 18.04.2011: Cyber Europe 2010 Report
- 20.04.2011:Managing multiple identities
- 01.05.2011: Secure Software Engineering Initiatives
- 31.07.2011: A Security Analysis of Next Generation Web Standards
- 10.09.2011: Cyber-bullying and online grooming: helping to protect against the risks
- 12.09.2011: Appstore security: 5 lines of defence against malware
- 01.10.2011:Good Practice Guide on Cooperatve Models for Effective PPPs
- 01.10.2011: Desktop Reserach on Public Private Partnerships
- 11.11.2011: To log or not to log? - Risks and benefits of emerging life-logging applications
- 25.11.2011: Smartphone Secure Development Guidelines
- 07.12.2011: Proactive detection of network security incidents, report
- 07.12.2011: Proactive detection of network security incidents, CERT survey analysis
- 14.12.2011:European Month of Network and Information Security for All - A feasibility study (EN)
- 14.12.2011: Protecting Industrial Control Systems. Recommendations for Europe and Member States
- 14.12.2011: Annex I: Desktop Research Results
- 14.12.2011: Annex II. Survey and Interview Analysis
- 14.12.2011: Annex III. ICS Security Related Standards, Guidelines and Policy Documents
- 14.12.2011: Annex IV. ICS Security Related Initiatives
- 14.12.2011: Annex V. Key Findings
- 14.12.2011: Annex VI. Minutes of the Workshop
- 14.12.2011: EISAS Basic toolset
- 14.12.2011: EISAS (enhanced) report on implementation
- 16.12.2011:A flair for sharing - encouraging information exchange between CERTs
- 19.12.2011: Cyber Security Aspects in the Maritime Sector
- 19.12.2011:Mutual Aid Agreements
- 20.12.2011: Trust and Reputation Models
- 20.12.2011: The Use of Cryptographic Techniques in Europe
- 20.12.2011:CERT Operational Gaps and Overlaps
- 21.12.2011: Survey and analysis of security parameters in cloud SLAs across the European public sector
- 21.12.2011: Technologies with potential to improve the resilience of the Internet infrastructure
- 21.12.2011: Secure Communication with the CERTs & Other Stakeholders
- 21.12.2011: Ontology and taxonomies of resilience
Kaynak: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/