Video 1: Tek Temas Noktası (Point of Single Contact-PSC)
Video 2: İç Pazar Bilgi Sistmi (Internal Market Information System-IMI)
Video 3: Avrupa Meslek Kartı (European Profession Card-EPC)
Video 4: European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training-ECVET
Video 5: Solvit SOLVIT
Video 6: 27 Countries, 1 Single Market: What do people think? - DSM
Video 7: Digital Scoreboard 2017: How digital is the EU?
Video 8: Digital Scoreboard 2017: Digital Skills in the EU
Video 9: Digital Scoreboard 2017: Connectivity in the EU
Video 10: Digital Scoreboard 2017: Internet Use Privacy in the EU
Video 11: Digital Scoreboard 2017: Digitisation of EU companies
Video 12: Ecvet ECVET
Video 13: ISA2 Programme - Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile : CPSVAP
Video 14: European Interoperability Framework: EIF