Kritik Altyapılar ve
Avrupa Birliği
- 2017 February: EU ECCSP Report: Cyber Security in the Energy Sector Recommendations for the European Commission on a European Strategic Framework and Potential Future Legislative Acts for the Energy Sector
- 2008, 08 Dec: 2008/114/EC: Identification and Designation of European Critical Infrastructures and the Assessment of the Need to Improve their Protection
- 2006, 12 Dec: MEMO/06/477: The European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP)
- EU "Capacity Building and Cooperation to enhance Cyber Resilience (CB4CyberResilience) Action Document for for Protecting Critical Infrastructure
- 2007 Dec: Public Safety Canada: Critical Infrastructure Policy Emergency Management and National Security Branch
- 2017, 11 May: PD - Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructures
- 2013, 19 February: Executive Order 13636 - Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
- 2013, 12 February: PPD 21 - Presidential Policy Directive 21 -Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
- 2011, 30 March: PPD 8 - Presidential Policy Directive 8 - National Preparedness
- 2003, 17 Dec: PD 7 - Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection
- 2002, 25 November: Public Law 107–296: ‘Homeland Security Act of 2002’