Türkiye ve Dünyada
Privacy 101: Introduction to the Privacy Act
- The Privacy Act-1993
- What the Act Covers?
- Who the Act Protects?
- 12 Principles of the Act
- Information Life Cycle
- Industry Codes of Practice
- Personal Information
- Privacy Officers
- Official Information Act
- Privacy Act and OIA Scnario
- P1: Purpose for Collection
- P2: Source of Information
- P2: Exceptions
- P3: Collection Statement
- P4: Manner of Collection
- P5: Storage and Security
- P6: Access
- P6: Procedural Provisions
- P6: Witholding Grounds
- P7: Correction
- P8: Accuracy
- P9: Retention
- P10: Use
- P11: Disclosure
- P12: Unique Indetifiers
Certification Exam
An A to Z of Approved Information Sharing Agreements (AISAs)
- Section 1: What is an AISA?
- Section 2: How Do I Build the Case for an AISA?
- Section 3: How Do I Develop ana AISA?
- Section 4: How Do I Get an AISA Approved?
Certification Exam
Introduction to the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (CRPC)
- Unit 1: Introduction to Credit Reporting
- Unit 2: The Credit Reporting Privacy Code
- Unit 3: Obtaining Credit Reports
- Unit 4: Credit Report Information
- Unit 5: Access to your Credit Report
- Unit 6: Correcting your Credit Report
- Unit 7: Suppressing Credit Reports
- Unit 8: Complaints Process
Certification Exam
- Unit 1: Assessing applicants
- Unit 2: Surveillance and monitoring of employees
- Unit 3: Social media and technology
- Unit 4: Drug testing and biometrics
- Unit 5: Security of information
- Unit 6: Disclosing information about staff
- Unit 7: Workplace disputes
- Unit 8: End of employment
Certification Exam
A Guide to Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)
- Section 1: What is a PIA Good For?
- Section 2: When It Is Necessary to Do a Full PIA?
- Section 3: What Do You Need to Consider When Scoping a PIA?
- Section 4: What are the Key Steps in a PIA?
- Section 5: Understanding Risks and Mitigations
Certification Exam
Health 101: An Introduction to the Health Information Privacy Code
- Same Sections as Privacy 101, specific to the Health sector
Certification Exam
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