Son Güncelleme: 18.12.2017
E-Devletin en önemli çıktısı, açık veri ve açık yönetişimde kullanılmak ve istatistik oluşturarak geleceğe yönelik projeksiyon sağlamak üzere veri oluşturulmasıdır.
Bu bölümde 207 ülkeye ilişkin istatistik kurumları bilgileri
yer almaktadır. Yandaki grafikte, ülkelerin kıtalara göre dağılımları görülmektedir.
Listede gösterilen kurumsal portallere erişim 18.12.2017 tarihinde kontrol edilmiş ve tamamına erişim sağlanmıştır.
Ülkelerin İstatistik Kurumları
NO | Ülke | İstatistik Kurumu | Web Sitesi | WebSite Confirmed | Bölge/Kıta | |
1 | Afghanistan | Central Statistics Organization | http://cso.gov.af/en | YES | Asia | |
2 | Aland | Statistics and Research Aland (ASUB) | http://www.asub.ax/sv | YES | Europe | |
3 | Albania | Statistical Institute | http://www.instat.gov.al/ | YES | Europe | |
4 | Algeria | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.ons.dz | YES | Africa | |
5 | American Samoa | Department of Commerce | http://americansamoa.prism.spc.int/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
6 | Andorra | Departament d'Estadistica | http://www.estadistica.ad/ | YES | Europe | |
7 | Angpola | Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE) | http://www.ine.gov.ao/ | YES | Africa | |
8 | Anguilla | Statistics Department | http://gov.ai/statistics/ | YES | North America | |
9 | Argentina | National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina (INDEC) | http://www.indec.gov.ar/ | YES | South America | |
10 | Armenia | National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia | http://www.armstat.am/en/ | YES | Asia | |
11 | Aruba | Central Bureau of Statistics | http://cbs.aw/wp/ | YES | North America | |
12 | Australia | Australian Bureau of Statistics | http://www.abs.gov.au/ | YES | Australia and Oceania | |
13 | Austria | National Statistical Office of Austria | http://www.statistik.at | YES | Europe | |
14 | Azerbaijan | State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic | https://www.stat.gov.az/ | YES | Asia | |
15 | Bahamas | Department of Statistics | http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/statistics | YES | North America | |
16 | Bahrain | Central Informatics Organisation, General Directorate of Statistics | http://www.cio.gov.bh | YES | Asia | |
17 | Bangladesh | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics | http://www.bbs.gov.bd/ | YES | Asia | |
18 | Barbados | Barbados Statistical Service (BSS) | http://www.barstats.gov.bb/ | YES | North America | |
19 | Belarus | National Statistical Committee of Republic of Belarus | http://www.belstat.gov.by | YES | Europe | |
20 | Belgium | Directorate-General Statistics | http://statbel.fgov.be/en/statistics/figures/ | YES | Europe | |
21 | Belize | Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) | http://www.statisticsbelize.org.bz/ | YES | North America | |
22 | Benin | National Institute for Statistics and Economic Analysis | http://www.insae-bj.org | YES | Africa | |
23 | Bhutan | National Statistics Bureau | http://www.nsb.gov.bt/ | YES | Asia | |
24 | Bolivia | National Statistics Institute | http://www.ine.gob.bo | YES | South America | |
25 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Agency for Statistics | http://www.bhas.ba/ | YES | Europe | |
26 | Botswana | Central Statistics Office | http://www.gov.bw/en/citizens/topics/statistics/ | YES | Africa | |
27 | Brazil | Brazilian Institute of Statistics and Geography | http://www.ibge.gov.br/english/default.php | YES | South America | |
28 | British Virgin Islands | Development Planning Unit | http://www.bvi.gov.vg/departments/central-statistics-office-0 | YES | North America | |
29 | Brundi | Institut de Statistiques et d'etudes Economiques (ISTEEBU) | http://www.isteebu.bi/ | YES | Africa | |
30 | Bulgaria | National Statistical Institute | http://www.nsi.bg/ | YES | Europe | |
31 | Burkina Faso | National Institute of Statistics and Demography | http://www.insd.bf | YES | Africa | |
32 | Cambodia | National Institute of Statistics | http://www.nis.gov.kh/index.php/en/ | YES | Asia | |
33 | Cameroon | National Institute of Statistics of Cameroon | http://www.statistics-cameroon.org/ | YES | Africa | |
34 | Canada | Statistics Canada | http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/start | YES | North America | |
35 | Cape Verde | National Statistical Office | http://www.ine.cv/ | YES | Africa | |
36 | Cayman Islands | Economics and Statistics Office | https://www.eso.ky/ | YES | North America | |
37 | Central African Republic | General Directorate of Statistics, Economic and Social Studies | http://www.stat-centrafrique.com/ | YES | Africa | |
38 | Chad | Institut National de la Statistique, des Etudes Economiques et Demographiques | http://www.inseedtchad.com/ | YES | Africa | |
39 | Chile | National Statistical Institute of Chile | http://www.ine.cl/ | YES | South America | |
40 | China | National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China | http://www.stats.gov.cn/ | YES | Asia | |
41 | Colombia | National Administrative Department for Statistics | http://www.dane.gov.co/ | YES | South America | |
42 | Congo | National Center for Statistics and Economic Studies of the Congo (CNSEE) | http://www.cnsee.org/ | YES | Africa | |
43 | Cook Islands | Cook Isklands Statistics Office (CISO) | http://www.mfem.gov.ck/statistics | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
44 | Costa Rica | National Statistical Institute | http://www.inec.go.cr | YES | North America | |
45 | Côte d'Ivoire | National Statistical Institute | http://www.ins.ci/n/ | YES | Africa | |
46 | Croatia | Croatian Bureau of Statistics | https://www.dzs.hr/ | YES | Europe | |
47 | Cuba | National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI) | http://www.one.cu/ | YES | North America | |
48 | Cyprus | Statistical Service of Cyprus | http://www.mof.gov.cy/mof/cystat/statistics.nsf/index_en/index_en?OpenDocument | YES | Europe | |
49 | Czech Republic | Czech Statistical Office | https://www.czso.cz/ | YES | Europe | |
50 | Denmark | Statistics Denmark | http://www.dst.dk/da/# | YES | Europe | |
51 | Djibouti | Le Ministere de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Planification | http://www.ministere-finances.dj/ | YES | Africa | |
52 | Dominican Republic | National Bureou of Statistics | http://www.one.gov.do/ | YES | North America | |
53 | Ecuador | National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) | http://www.ecuadorencifras.gob.ec/ | YES | South America | |
54 | Egypt | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | http://www.capmas.gov.eg/ | YES | Africa | |
55 | El Salvador | National Statistical Office (DIGESTYC) | http://www.digestyc.gob.sv/ | YES | North America | |
56 | Equatorial Guinea | General Directorate of Statistics and National Accounts | http://www.dgecnstat-ge.org/ | YES | Africa | |
57 | Ethiopia | Central Statistical Agency | http://www.csa.gov.et/ | YES | Africa | |
58 | Estonia | Statistical Office of Estonia | http://www.stat.ee/ | YES | Europe | |
59 | Faroe Islands | Statistics Faroe Islands | http://www.hagstova.fo/en | YES | Europe | |
60 | Federated States of Micronesia | FSM Division of Statistics | http://www.fsmstats.fm/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
61 | Fiji, Republic of | Fiji Bureou of Statistics (FBoS) | http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
62 | Finland | Statistics Finland | http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/index_en.html | YES | Europe | |
63 | France | National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies | http://www.insee.fr/ | YES | Europe | |
64 | French Polynesia | Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (ISEE) | http://www.isee.nc/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
65 | FYR Macedonia | State Statistical Office | http://www.stat.gov.mk/Default_en.aspx | YES | Europe | |
66 | Gabon | General Directorate of Statistics | http://www.stat-gabon.org/ | YES | Africa | |
67 | Gambia | Gambia Bureau of Statistics | http://www.gbos.gov.gm/ | YES | Africa | |
68 | Georgia | National Statistics Office of Georgia | http://www.geostat.ge/index.php?action=0&lang=eng | YES | Asia | |
69 | Germany | Federal Statistical Office | https://www.destatis.de/EN/Homepage.html | YES | Europe | |
70 | Ghana | Ghana Statistical Service | http://www.statsghana.gov.gh/ | YES | Africa | |
71 | Gibraltar | Statistics Office | http://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/statistics | YES | Europe | |
72 | Greece | Hellenic Statistical Authority | http://www.statistics.gr/en/home/ | YES | Europe | |
73 | Greenland | Statistics Greenland | http://www.stat.gl/default.asp?lang=en | YES | Europe | |
74 | Guam | Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans | http://www.bsp.guam.gov/ | NO | Pacific Island & Territories | |
75 | Guatemala | Instituto Nacional de Estadística | https://www.ine.gob.gt/ | YES | North America | |
76 | Guinea | National Institute for Statistics | http://www.stat-guinee.org/ | YES | Africa | |
77 | Guinea-Bissau | National Institute for Statistics | http://www.stat-guinebissau.com/ | YES | Africa | |
78 | Guyana | Bureau of Statistics | http://www.statisticsguyana.gov.gy/ | YES | South America | |
79 | Haiti | Haitian Institute of Statistics and Information (IHSI) | http://www.ihsi.ht/ | YES | North America | |
80 | Honduras | The National Institute of Statistics - INE | http://www.ine.gob.hn/ | YES | North America | |
81 | Hungary | Hungarian Central Statistical Office | http://www.ksh.hu/ | YES | Europe | |
82 | Iceland | Statistics Iceland | http://www.statice.is/ | YES | Europe | |
83 | India | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation | http://mospi.nic.in/ | YES | Asia | |
84 | Indonesia | Statistics Indonesia | http://www.bps.go.id/ | YES | Asia | |
85 | Iran, Islamic Rep. of | Statistical Centre of Iran | https://www.amar.org.ir/english/ | YES | Asia | |
86 | Iraq | Central Statistical Organization Iraq (CSO) | http://cosit.gov.iq | YES | Asia | |
87 | Ireland | Central Statistics Office of Ireland | http://www.cso.ie/en/index.html | YES | Europe | |
88 | Israel | Central Bureau of Statistics Israel | http://www.cbs.gov.il | NO | Asia | |
89 | Italy | Italian National Institute of Statistics | http://www.istat.it/en/ | YES | Europe | |
90 | Jamaica | Statistical Institute of Jamaica | http://statinja.gov.jm/ | YES | North America | |
91 | Japan | Statistics Japan: Statistics Bureau | http://www.stat.go.jp/english/index.htm | YES | Asia | |
92 | Jordan | Department of Statistics (DOS) | http://dosweb.dos.gov.jo/ar | YES | Asia | |
93 | Kazakhstan | Committee on Statistics | http://stat.gov.kz/ | YES | Asia | |
94 | Kenya | Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) | https://www.knbs.or.ke/ | YES | Africa | |
95 | Kirbati | National Statistics Office | http://www.mfed.gov.ki/statistics/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
96 | Korea, Republic of | Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) | http://kostat.go.kr/portal/eng/index.action | YES | Asia | |
97 | Kosovo | Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS) | http://ask.rks-gov.net/en/kosovo-agency-of-statistics | YES | Europe | |
98 | Kuwait | Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau | https://www.csb.gov.kw/Default_EN.aspx | YES | Asia | |
99 | Kyrgyz Republic | National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic | http://www.stat.kg/ | YES | Asia | |
100 | Laos | Statistics Bureau | http://www.lsb.gov.la | YES | Asia | |
101 | Latvia | Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia | http://www.csb.gov.lv/en | YES | Europe | |
102 | Lebanon | Central Administration of Statistics | http://www.cas.gov.lb/ | YES | Asia | |
103 | Lesotho | Bureau of Statistics | http://www.bos.gov.ls/ | YES | Africa | |
104 | Liberia | Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services | http://www.tlcafrica.com/lisgis/lisgis.htm | YES | Africa | |
105 | Liechtenstein | Office of Statistics (AS) | http://www.as.llv.li/ | YES | Europe | |
106 | Lithuania | Statistics Lithuania | https://www.stat.gov.lt/en/ | YES | Europe | |
107 | Luxembourg | Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (STATEC) | http://www.statistiques.public.lu/en/index.html | YES | Europe | |
108 | Macao, China | Census and Statistics Department of Macau (DSEC) | http://www.dsec.gov.mo/home_enus.aspx | YES | Asia | |
109 | Madagascar | National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) | http://www.instat.mg/ | YES | Africa | |
110 | Malawi | National Statistical Office of Malawi | http://www.nsomalawi.mw/ | YES | Africa | |
111 | Malaysia | Department of Statistics Malaysia | https://www.dosm.gov.my/v1/ | YES | Asia | |
112 | Maldives | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.planning.gov.mv/ | YES | Asia | |
113 | Mali | Institut National de la Statistique | http://www.instat-mali.org/ | YES | Africa | |
114 | Malta | National Statistics Office | http://www.nso.gov.mt/ | YES | Europe | |
115 | Marshall Islands, Republic of | Economic Policy, Planning & Statistics Office (EPPSO) | http://rmi.prism.spc.int/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
116 | Mauritania | National Statistical Office | http://www.ons.mr/ | YES | Africa | |
117 | Mauritius | Central Statistical Office | http://statsmauritius.govmu.org/ | YES | Africa | |
118 | Mexico | National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) | http://www.inegi.gob.mx/ | YES | North America | |
119 | Moldova | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.statistica.md/ | YES | Europe | |
120 | Mongolia | National Statistical Office of Mongolia | http://www.en.nso.mn/ | YES | Asia | |
121 | Monaco | Monaco Statistics (IMSEE) | http://www.monacostatistics.mc/ | YES | Europe | |
122 | Montenegro | Statistical Office of Montenegro | http://www.monstat.org/eng/index.php | YES | Europe | |
123 | Morocco | National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (INSEA) | http://www.insea.ac.ma/ | YES | Africa | |
124 | Mozambique | National Institute of Statistics (INE) | http://www.ine.gov.mz/ | YES | Africa | |
125 | Myanmar | Central Statistical Organization | http://www.csostat.gov.mm/ | YES | Asia | |
126 | Nambia | Nambia Statistics Agency (NSA) | http://nsa.org.na/ | YES | Africa | |
127 | Nauru | Nauru Bureau of Statistics | http://nauru.prism.spc.int/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
128 | Nepal | Central Bureau of Statistics | http://cbs.gov.np/ | YES | Asia | |
129 | Netherlands | Statistics Netherlands | https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb | YES | Europe | |
130 | Netherlands Antilles | Central Bureau of Statistics | https://www.cbs.nl/ | YES | North America | |
131 | New Zealand | Statistics New Zealand | https://www.stats.govt.nz/ | YES | Australia and Oceania | |
132 | New Caledonia | National Statistical Institute (ISEE) | http://www.isee.nc | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
133 | Nicaragua | Instituto Nacional de Información de Desarrollo (INIDE) | http://www.inide.gob.ni/ | YES | North America | |
134 | Niger | National Statistical Office | http://www.stat-niger.org | YES | Africa | |
135 | Nigeria | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.nigerianstat.gov.ng/ | YES | Africa | |
136 | Niue | Statistics Niue | http://niue.prism.spc.int/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
137 | Northern Marianas | Central Statistics Division (CSD) | http://commerce.gov.mp/divisions/central-statistics/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
138 | Norway | Statistics Norway | https://statbank.ssb.no/en/ | YES | Europe | |
139 | Oman | National Center for Statistics Information | https://www.ncsi.gov.om | YES | Asia | |
140 | Pakistan | Bureau of Statistics | http://www.pbs.gov.pk/ | YES | Asia | |
141 | Palau | Bureau of Budget & Planning | http://palaugov.pw/budgetandplanning/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
142 | Palestinian Authority | Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) | http://www.pcbs.gov.ps | YES | Asia | |
143 | Panama | National Institute of Statistics and Census. (INEC) | https://www.contraloria.gob.pa/inec/ | YES | North America | |
144 | Papua New Guinea | National Statistical Office | https://www.nso.gov.pg/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
145 | Paraguay | Directorate General for Statistics, Surveys and Census | http://www.dgeec.gov.py/ | YES | South America | |
146 | Peru | National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) | http://www.inei.gob.pe/ | YES | South America | |
147 | Philippines | Philippines Statistics Authority e-Census | http://www.e-census.com.ph | YES | Asia | |
148 | Pitcairn Islands | Government Online Portal | http://www.government.pn/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
149 | Poland | Central Statistical Office | http://stat.gov.pl | YES | Europe | |
150 | Portugal | National Statistics Institute | https://www.ine.pt | YES | Europe | |
151 | Puerto Rico | Instituto de Estadísticas | https://estadisticas.pr/ | YES | North America | |
152 | Qatar | Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDPS) | https://www.mdps.gov.qa/ | YES | Asia | |
153 | Romania | National Institute of Statistics | http://www.insse.ro/cms/ | YES | Europe | |
154 | Russian Federation | Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service | http://www.gks.ru/ | YES | Europe | |
155 | Rwanda | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) | http://www.statistics.gov.rw/ | YES | Africa | |
156 | Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia Central Statistics Office | http://www.stats.gov.lc/ | YES | North America | |
157 | Samoa | Samoa Bureau of Statistics | http://www.sbs.gov.ws/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
158 | San Marino | Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics | http://www.statistica.sm/on-line/home.html | YES | Europe | |
159 | Sao Tome and Principe | Instituto Nacional de Estatisticas | http://www.ine.st/ | YES | Africa | |
160 | Saudi Arabia | General Authority for Statistics | https://www.stats.gov.sa/en | YES | Asia | |
161 | Senegal | National Statistics and Demography Agency (ANSD) | http://www.ansd.sn/ | YES | Africa | |
162 | Serbia | Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia | http://webrzs.stat.gov.rs/ | YES | Europe | |
163 | Seychelles | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.nsb.go.sc | NO | Africa | |
164 | Sierra Leone | Statistics Sierra Leone | http://www.statistics.sl/ | YES | Africa | |
165 | Singapore | Department of Statistics Singapore | http://www.singstat.gov.sg/ | YES | Asia | |
166 | Slovak Republic | Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic | http://www.statistics.sk/ | YES | Europe | |
167 | Slovenia | Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office | http://www.stat.si/StatWeb/en/home | YES | Europe | |
168 | Solomon Islands | National Statistics Office (SINSO) | http://www.statistics.gov.sb/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
169 | Somalia | Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation: Statistics Department | http://mopicplgov.net/statistics/ | YES | Africa | |
170 | South Africa | Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) | http://www.statssa.gov.za/ | YES | Africa | |
171 | South Sudan | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.ssnbss.org/ | YES | Africa | |
172 | Spain | National Institute of Statistics | http://www.ine.es/ | YES | Europe | |
173 | Sri Lanka | Department of Census and Statistics | http://www.statistics.gov.lk/ | YES | Asia | |
174 | Sudan | Central Bureau of Statistics | http://www.cbs.gov.sd/ | YES | Africa | |
175 | Suriname | General Bureau of Statistics | http://www.statistics-suriname.org/ | YES | South America | |
176 | Swaziland | Central Statistical Office | http://www.swazistats.org.sz/ | YES | Africa | |
177 | Sweden | Statistics Sweden (SCB) | http://www.scb.se/ | YES | Europe | |
178 | Switzerland | Swiss Federal Statistical Office | https://www.bfs.admin.ch/ | YES | Europe | |
179 | Syrian, Arab Republic | Central Bureau of Statistics | http://cbssyr.sy/ | YES | Asia | |
180 | Tanzania | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.nbs.go.tz/ | YES | Africa | |
181 | Taiwan, Chinese | National Statistics of Taiwan, Republic of China | http://www.stat.gov.tw/ | YES | Asia | |
182 | Tajikistan | Agency of Statistics (TAJSTAT) | http://www.stat.tj/en/ | YES | Asia | |
183 | Thailand | National Statistical Office | http://web.nso.go.th/ | YES | Asia | |
184 | Timor-Leste | General Directorate of Statistics | http://www.statistics.gov.tl/ | YES | Asia | |
185 | Togo | National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) | http://www.stat-togo.org/ | YES | Africa | |
186 | Tokelau | Tokelau National Statistics Office | http://www.tokelaunso.tk/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
187 | Tonga | Tonga Department of Statistics | http://tonga.prism.spc.int/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
188 | Trinidad and Tobago | Central Statistical Office (CSO) | http://www.cso.gov.tt/ | YES | North America | |
189 | Tunisia | National Institute of Statistics | http://www.ins.nat.tn/ | YES | Africa | |
190 | Turkey | Turkish Statistical Institute | http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/Start.do | YES | Europe | |
191 | Turkmenistan | State Committee on Statistics | http://www.stat.gov.tm/ | YES | Asia | |
192 | Turks and Caicos Islands | Department of Economic Planning and Statistics | https://www.sppdtci.com/ | YES | North America | |
193 | Tuvalu | Central Statistics Division | http://tuvalu.prism.spc.int/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
194 | Uganda | Uganda Bureau of Statistics | http://www.ubos.org/ | YES | Africa | |
195 | Ukraine | State Statistics Service | http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ | YES | Europe | |
196 | United Arab Emirates | National Bureau of Statistics | http://www.uaestatistics.gov.ae/ | YES | Asia | |
197 | United Kingdom | Office for National Statistics | https://www.ons.gov.uk/ | YES | Europe | |
198 | United States | U.S. Bureau of the Census | https://www.census.gov/ | YES | North America | |
199 | Uruguay | National Institute of Statistics - Uruguay | http://www.ine.gub.uy/ | YES | South America | |
200 | Uzbekistan | The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics | https://stat.uz/ | YES | Asia | |
201 | Vanuatu | Vanuatu National Statistics Office | http://www.vnso.gov.vu/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
202 | Venezuela | National Statistical Institute | http://www.ine.gov.ve/ | YES | South America | |
203 | Vietnam | General Statistics Office of Vietnam | http://www.gso.gov.vn | YES | Asia | |
204 | Wallis & Futunafrance | Territorial Service for Statistics and Economic Studies (STSEE) | http://www.statistique.wf/ | YES | Pacific Island & Territories | |
205 | Yemen | Central Statistical Office | http://www.cso-yemen.org/ | NO | Asia | |
206 | Zambia | Central Statistical Office | http://www.zamstats.gov.zm/ | YES | Africa | |
207 | Zimbabwe | Central Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) | http://www.zimstat.co.zw/ | YES | Africa |
Listelenen Ülkeler:
ABD, Afganistan, Aland, Almanya, Amerikan Samoası, Andorra, Angpola, Anguilla, Arjantin, Arnavutluk, Aruba, Avustralya, Avusturya, Azerbaycan, Bahama Adaları, Bahreyn, Bangladeş, Barbados, Belarus, Belçika, Belize, Benin, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Birleşik Krallık, Bolivya, Bosna Hersek, Botsvana, Brezilya, Bulgaristan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Butan, Çad, Cape Verde, Cayman Adaları, Cebelitarık, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Cezayir, Cibuti, Çin, Cook Adaları, Danimarka, Doğu Timor, Dominik Cumhuriyeti, Ekvator, Ekvator Ginesi, El Salvador, Endonezya, Ermenistan, Estonya, Etiyopya, Faroe Adaları, Fas, Fiji Cumhuriyeti, Fildişi Sahili, Filipinler, Filistin Otoritesi, Finlandiya, Fransa, Fransız Polinezyası, Gabon, Gambiya, Gana, Gine, Gine-Bissau, Grönland, Guam, Guatemala, Güney Afrika, Güney Kore, Güney Sudan, Gürcistan, Guyana, Haiti, Hindistan, Hırvatistan, Hollanda, Hollanda Antilleri, Honduras, İngiliz Virgin Adaları, Irak, İran, İrlanda, İspanya, İsrail, İsveç, İsviçre, İtalya, İzlanda, Jamaika, Japonya, Kamboçya, Kamerun, Kanada, Karadağ, Katar, Kazakistan, Kenya, Kıbrıs, Kirbati, Kırgız Cumhuriyeti, Kolombiya, Kongo, Kosova, Kosta Rika, Küba, Kuveyt, Kuzey Marianas, Laos, Lesotho, Letonya, Liberya, Lihtenştayn, Litvanya, Lübnan, Lüksemburg, Macaristan, Madagaskar, Makao-Çin, Makedonya, Malawi, Maldivler, Malezya, Mali, Malta, Marshall Adaları, Mauritius, Meksika, Mikronezya Federe Devletleri, Mısır, Moğolistan, Moldova, Monako, Moritanya, Mozambik, Myanmar, Namibya, Nauru, Nepal, Nijer, Nijerya, Nikaragua, Niue, Norveç, Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Özbekistan, Pakistan, Palu, Panama, Papua Yeni Gine, Paraguay, Peru, Pitcairn Adaları, Polonya, Portekiz, Porto Riko, Romanya, Ruanda, Rusya, Saint Lucia, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome ve Principe, Senegal, Seyşeller, Sierra Leone, Şili, Singapur, Sıolomon Adaları, Sırbistan, Slovak Cumhuriyeti, Slovenya, Somali, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Suriye, Suudi Arabistan, Swaziland, Tacikistan, Tanzanya, Tayland, Tayvan, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad ve, Tobago, Tunus, Türkiye, Türkmenistan, Turks ve Caicos Adaları, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukrayna, Umman, Ürdün, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuella, Vietnam, Wallis & Futunafrance, Yemen, Yeni Kaledonya, Yeni Zelanda, Yunanistan, Zambiya, Zimbabve.