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UN e-Government Survey 2024: Accelerating Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development
with the addendum of Artificial Intelligence

" This thirteenth edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey, released in 2024, provides a comprehensive assessment of the digital government landscape across all 193 Member States. The 2024 Survey highlights a significant upward trend in the development of digital government worldwide, with increased investment in resilient infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies. The global average value of the E-Government Development Index (EGDI) shows substantial improvement, with the proportion of the population lagging in digital government development decreasing from 45.0 per cent in 2022 to 22.4 per cent in 2024. Despite significant progress in digital government development, the EGDI averages for the African region, least developed countries, and small island developing States remain below the global average, underscoring the need for targeted efforts to bridge existing gaps."


UN e-Government Survey 2022: The Future of
Digital Government

"The 2022 Survey highlights the important role that digital government tools have played the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past two years 90 per cent of Member States have established dedicated portals, or created space in their national portals, to address issues and public services related to the pandemic. These digital government tools have proven essential. Going forward, digital government can undoubtedly help us tackle other global crises, including climate change, and prepare us to work through future shocks and risks. The survey results in this edition also point to a remarkable improvement in telecommunications infrastructure and human capacity development and an encouraging improvement in service provision, with the global E-Government Development Index (EGDI) average having increased overall. Nonetheless, EGDI values tend to be higher for higher-income countries than for lower-income ones, and the EGDI average for least developed countries (LDCs), particularly those in Africa, is still far below the global average, underscoring gaps in e-government development and the persistence of the digital divide. "


UN e-Government Survey 2020: Digital Government in the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development

"The year 2020 marked 20 years of benchmarking the e-government development of the Member States of the United Nations. Since its inception in 2001, the United Nations E-Government Survey (hereinafter referred to as the Survey) has become an indispensable “ranking, mapping and measuring” tool for policymakers and analysts engaged in comparative analysis and contemporary research on e-government.

The year 2020 also witnessed a transformational change in the global development agenda as United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the launch of the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development to bolster efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The Decade of Action is central to global efforts to eradicate poverty and to improve economic growth, social protection, health (including pandemic response), education, energy, water and sanitation, sustainable transport and infrastructure, and Internet access. 2 Digital government supports the Decade of Action through sustainable, inclusive and equitable public service provision for all people everywhere, leaving no one behind—and more broadly through its growing role in driving innovation, strengthening efficacy, and generating solutions. "



UN e-Government Survey 2018: Gearing e-Government to Support Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Socities

"To fulfil the far-reaching potential of the transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, technologies must be used innovatively to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals are met on time.
We are at a critical juncture, in the middle of a digital revolution that is not just about technologies, but also about the centrality of people and the planet. We are witnessing the simultaneous proliferation of big data, artificial intelligence, data science, blockchain, robotics and other frontier and fastemerging technologies. These frontier technologies are building on and amplifying one another, affecting everything from our food systems, water and sanitation, energy, to education, health care and social services.



UN e-Government Survey 2016: e-Government in Support of Sustainable Development

"With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Heads of State and Government of all United Nations Member States committed to a shared vision to improve people’s lives and transform the world by 2030. This vision is that of a world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 169 targets that are at the core of the 2030 Agenda aim to advance people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships. They aim to protect human rights and promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. The sixteenth SDG calls for effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, in the framework of peaceful and inclusive societies. It marks the recognition that institutions are critical for realizing the vision of the Agenda and achieving every single SDG."


UN e-Government Survey 2014:
e-Government for the Future We Want

"A trend towards reforming the public sector has emerged in many countries in recent years spurred, primarily by the aspirations of citizens around the world, who are placing new demands on governments. The success of government leaders is increasingly being measured by the benefits they are creating for their constituents, namely, the private sector, citizens and communities. These ‘clients’ of government demand top performance and efficiency, proper accountability and public trust, and a renewed focus on delivering better service and results."


UN e-Government Survey 2012:
e-Government for the People

"Progress in online service delivery continues in most countries around the world. Th e United Nations E-Government Survey 2012 finds that many have put in place e-government initiatives and information and communication technologies applications for the people to further enhance public sector efficiencies and streamline governance systems to support sustainable development. Among the e-government leaders, innovative technology solutions have gained special recognition as the means to revitalize lagging economic and social sectors.
Th e overall conclusion that emerges from the 2012 Survey in today’s recessionary world climate is that while it is important to continue with service delivery, governments must increasingly begin to rethink in terms of e-government – and e-governance – placing greater emphasis on institutional linkages between and among the tiered government structures in a bid to create synergy for inclusive sustainable development.


UN e-Government Survey 2010: Leveraging e-Government at a time of Financial and Economic Crisis

"E-government is a powerful tool for human development and essential to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals including the Millennium Development Goals. Many countries are experiencing its transformative power in revitalizing public administration, overhauling public management, fostering inclusive leadership and moving civil service towards higher efficiency, transparency and accountability. They recognize e-government as a way of realizing the vision of a global information society. In contrast, countries slow to embrace e-government tend to remain mired in the typical institutional pathologies of supply-driven services and procedures, remoteness between government and citizen, and opaque decision-making processes. Taking as its theme the most pressing challenge of recent times, the United Nations E-Government Survey 2010 focuses on the global financial and economic crisis. "


UN e-Government Survey 2008: From e-Government to Connected Governance

"A trend towards reforming the public sector has emerged in many countries in recent years spurred, primarily by the aspirations of citizens around the world, who are placing new demands on governments. The success of government leaders is increasingly
being measured by the benefits they are creating for their constituents, namely, the private sector, citizens and communities. These ‘clients’ of government demand top performance and efficiency, proper accountability and public trust, and a renewed focus on delivering better service and results."


Global e-Government Readiness Report 2005: 
From e-Government to e-Inclusion

"An imperative of development today is to employ information and communication technologies (ICTs) to level the playing field for all. The cross-cutting nature of technology provides opportunities and enables delivery of much needed economic and social information to remote areas of the world with the promise of leap-frogging traditional development cycles. Access to information and communications is considered crucial for poverty reduction, since it contributes to new sources of income and employment for the poor, improved delivery of health and education services and competitiveness of the economy. "


UN Global e-Government Readiness Report 2004: Towards Access for Opportunity

"In the fast globalizing world economy of today, governments the world over are recognizing the importance of ICT in development. An increasing number of e-government initiatives are being employed to improve the delivery of public services to the people, and to tap the potential synergy from the interaction between new technologies, an educated population and an enabling environment for the attainment of knowledge-based economies.

The new imperative of development is to employ ICT applications across the board for creation of economic opportunities and human development. It is not a matter of choosing between traditional programs to further health, education or ICT but choosing the most effective way for ICTs to help in the delivery of development goals. If disparities are to be removed in the collective global march towards a knowledge society, free access to information and knowledge must become a way of life for all.


UN Global e-Government Survey 2003

"Governments are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of employing e-government to improve the delivery of public services to the people. This recognition has come about as a result of two recent interrelated phenomena. First, the rapid pace of globalization has interwoven the intra-country trade, investment and finance opportuni- ties of the world into transnational networks, with countries seeking new ways to provide more competitive products and services. Second, recent advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have presented new approaches for the integration of these networks and the improvement of the efficiency of businesses and services worldwide."


Benchmarking e-Government: A Global Perspective

"Since the mid -1990s governments around the world have been executing  major initiatives in order to tap the vast potential of the internet for the distinct purpose of improving and perfecting the governing process. Like the personal computer, the internet has become an indispensable tool in the day-to-day administration of government. In an effort to gain an appreciation of the global e-government landscape in 2001, the American Society for Public
Administration (ASPA) and the United Nations Division for Public Economics
and Public Administration (UNDPEPA) undertook a research study analyzing the approach, progress and commitment on the part of the 190 UN Member States.


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